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Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a technique that soothes and relaxes the body to give a great sensation of overall wellbeing. It is ideal for specific physical problems such as muscle tension, tendon, and ligament problems. Swedish massage can be used to relax muscles after physical exertion or to warm and loosen them in preparation for exercise, and it is also a great mental and emotional stress reliever.


Aromatherapy Massage

An aromatherapy massage is a Swedish massage with scented plant oils added to the massage oil. Extracted from flowers and other plant parts, essential oils offer a pleasing scent and are believed to have healing properties. The soothing effects of aromatherapy massage can benefit a variety of conditions, including headaches, insomnia, certain digestive disorders, back pain, and even premenstrual symptoms.


Deep Tissue Massage

This sensation of this strong message is enhanced by the warming properties of aromatherapy oil, using thumbs and elbows to work deep into the muscle tissue to release tension, relieve aches and accelerate the healing process of sore or pulled muscles.


All above services you can choose:

60 minutes /$90

90 minutes /$125

120 minutes /$170

Spa Treatment Stones

Hot Stone Massage

As the name implies, hot stone massage uses warm stones. The therapist places heated, smooth stones on specific points on the body and holds the warm stones while giving the massage. The warmth of the stones can be relaxing and can loosen tight muscles so that the therapist can reach areas of muscle tension quickly.

60 minutes /$100

90 minutes /$140

120 minutes /$180


Back and Shoulder Massage

30 minutes/$50

Full Body Glow and Wrap

45 minutes /$80

VIP Spa Bath

30 minutes /$50

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